Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:DependencyList/doc
--- Based on Module:DependencyList from RuneScape Wiki --- Modified to use SMW instead of DPL --- @see https://runescape.wiki/w/Module:DependencyList require("strict"); local p = {} local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' ) local arr = require( 'Module:Array' ) local yn = require( 'Module:Yesno' ) local param = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ) local userError = require("Module:User error") local hatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')._hatnote local mHatlist = require('Module:Hatnote list') local mbox = require( 'Module:Mbox' )._mbox local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new() local TNT = require( 'Module:Translate' ):new() local moduleIsUsed = false local shouldAddCategories = false local COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD = 5 local dynamicRequireListQueryCache = {} local NS_MODULE_NAME = mw.site.namespaces[ 828 ].name local NS_TEMPLATE_NAME = mw.site.namespaces[ 10 ].name --- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate --- --- @param key string The translation key --- @return string If the key was not found, the key is returned local function t( key ) return i18n:translate( key ) end --- FIXME: This should go to somewhere else, like Module:Common --- Calls TNT with the given key --- --- @param key string The translation key --- @return string If the key was not found in the .tab page, the key is returned local function translate( key, ... ) local success, translation = pcall( TNT.format, 'Module:DependencyList/i18n.json', key or '', ... ) if not success or translation == nil then return key end return translation end local builtins = { ["libraryUtil"] = { link = "mw:Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#libraryUtil", categories = {}, }, [ "strict" ] = { link = "mw:Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#strict", categories = { t( 'category_strict_mode_modules' ) }, }, } --- Used in case 'require( varName )' is found. Attempts to find a string value stored in 'varName'. ---@param content string The content of the module to search in ---@param varName string ---@return string local function substVarValue( content, varName ) local res = content:match( varName .. '%s*=%s*(%b""%s-%.*)' ) or content:match( varName .. "%s*=%s*(%b''%s-%.*)" ) or '' if res:find( '^(["\'])[Mm]odule?:[%S]+%1' ) and not res:find( '%.%.' ) and not res:find( '%%%a' ) then return mw.text.trim( res ) else return '' end end ---@param capture string ---@param content string The content of the module to search in ---@return string local function extractModuleName( capture, content ) capture = capture:gsub( '^%(%s*(.-)%s*%)$', '%1' ) if capture:find( '^(["\']).-%1$' ) then -- Check if it is already a pure string return capture elseif capture:find( '^[%a_][%w_]*$' ) then -- Check if if is a single variable return substVarValue( content, capture ) end return capture end ---@param str string ---@return string local function formatPageName( str ) local name = mw.text.trim( str ) :gsub( '^([\'\"])(.-)%1$', function( _, x ) return x end ) -- Only remove quotes at start and end of string if both are the same type :gsub( '_', ' ' ) :gsub( '^.', mw.ustring.upper ) :gsub( ':.', mw.ustring.upper ) return name end ---@param str string ---@param allowBuiltins? boolean ---@return string local function formatModuleName( str, allowBuiltins ) if allowBuiltins then local name = mw.text.trim( str ) -- Only remove quotes at start and end of string if both are the same type :gsub([[^(['"])(.-)%1$]], '%2') if builtins[name] then return name end end local module = formatPageName( str ) if not mw.ustring.find( module, '^[Mm]odule?:' ) then module = NS_MODULE_NAME .. ':' .. module end return module end local function dualGmatch( str, pat1, pat2 ) local f1 = mw.ustring.gmatch( str, pat1 ) if pat2 then local f2 = mw.ustring.gmatch( str, pat2 ) return function() return f1() or f2() end else return f1 end end local function isDynamicPath( str ) return mw.ustring.find( str, '%.%.' ) or mw.ustring.find( str, '%%%a' ) end --- Used in case a construct like 'require( "Module:wowee/" .. isTheBest )' is found. --- Will return a list of pages which satisfy this pattern where 'isTheBest' can take any value. ---@param query string ---@return string[] local function getDynamicRequireList( query ) if query:find( '%.%.' ) then query = mw.text.split( query, '..', true ) query = arr.map( query, function( x ) return mw.text.trim( x ) end ) query = arr.map( query, function( x ) return ( x:match('^[\'\"](.-)[\'\"]$') or '%') end ) query = table.concat( query ) else local _, _query = query:match( '(["\'])(.-)%1' ) query = _query:gsub( '%%%a', '%%' ) end query = query:gsub( '^[Mm]odule:', '' ) if dynamicRequireListQueryCache[ query ] then return dynamicRequireListQueryCache[ query ]; end return {}; end --- Returns a list of modules loaded and required by module 'moduleName'. ---@param moduleName string ---@param searchForUsedTemplates boolean|nil ---@return table<string, string[]> local function getRequireList( moduleName, searchForUsedTemplates ) local content = mw.title.new( moduleName ):getContent() local requireList = arr{} local loadDataList = arr{} local loadJsonDataList = arr{} local usedTemplateList = arr{} local dynamicRequirelist = arr{} local dynamicLoadDataList = arr{} local dynamicLoadJsonDataList = arr{} local extraCategories = arr{} assert( content ~= nil, translate( 'message_not_exists', moduleName ) ) content = content:gsub( '%-%-%[(=-)%[.-%]%1%]', '' ):gsub( '%-%-[^\n]*', '' ) -- Strip comments local function getList( pat1, pat2, list, dynList ) for match in dualGmatch( content, pat1, pat2 ) do match = mw.text.trim( match ) local name = extractModuleName( match, content ) if isDynamicPath( name ) then dynList:insert( getDynamicRequireList( name ), true ) elseif name ~= '' then name = formatModuleName( name, true ) table.insert( list, name ) if builtins[name] then extraCategories = extraCategories:insert( builtins[name].categories, true ) end end end end getList( 'require%s*(%b())', 'require%s*((["\'])%s*[Mm]odule:.-%2)', requireList, dynamicRequirelist ) getList( 'mw%.loadData%s*(%b())', 'mw%.loadData%s*((["\'])%s*[Mm]odule:.-%2)', loadDataList, dynamicLoadDataList ) getList( 'mw%.loadJsonData%s*(%b())', 'mw%.loadJsonData%s*((["\'])%s*[Mm]odule:.-%2)', loadJsonDataList, dynamicLoadJsonDataList ) getList( 'pcall%s*%(%s*require%s*,([^%),]+)', nil, requireList, dynamicRequirelist ) getList( 'pcall%s*%(%s*mw%.loadData%s*,([^%),]+)', nil, loadDataList, dynamicLoadDataList ) getList( 'pcall%s*%(%s*mw%.loadJsonData%s*,([^%),]+)', nil, loadJsonDataList, dynamicLoadJsonDataList ) if searchForUsedTemplates then for preprocess in mw.ustring.gmatch( content, ':preprocess%s*(%b())' ) do local function recursiveGMatch( str, pat ) local list = {} local i = 0 repeat for match in mw.ustring.gmatch( list[ i ] or str, pat ) do table.insert( list, match ) end i = i + 1 until i > #list or i > 100 i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 return list[ i ] end end for template in recursiveGMatch( preprocess, '{(%b{})}' ) do local name = mw.ustring.match( template, '{(.-)[|{}]' ) if name ~= '' then if name:find( ':' ) then local ns = name:match( '^(.-):' ) if arr.contains( { '', 'template', 'user' }, ns:lower() ) then table.insert( usedTemplateList, name ) elseif ns == ns:upper() then table.insert( usedTemplateList, ns ) -- Probably a magic word end else if name:match( '^%u+$' ) or name == '!' then table.insert( usedTemplateList, name ) -- Probably a magic word else table.insert( usedTemplateList, 'Template:'..name ) end end end end end end requireList = requireList .. dynamicRequirelist requireList = requireList:unique() loadDataList = loadDataList .. dynamicLoadDataList loadDataList = loadDataList:unique() loadJsonDataList = loadJsonDataList .. dynamicLoadJsonDataList loadJsonDataList = loadJsonDataList:unique() usedTemplateList = usedTemplateList:unique() extraCategories = extraCategories:unique() table.sort( extraCategories ) return { requireList = requireList, loadDataList = loadDataList, loadJsonDataList = loadJsonDataList, usedTemplateList = usedTemplateList, extraCategories = extraCategories } end --- Returns a list with module and function names used in all '{{#Invoke:moduleName|funcName}}' found on page 'templateName'. ---@param templateName string ---@return table<string, string>[] local function getInvokeCallList( templateName ) local content = mw.title.new( templateName ):getContent() local invokeList = {} assert( content ~= nil, translate( 'message_not_exists', templateName ) ) for moduleName, funcName in mw.ustring.gmatch( content, '{{[{|safeubt:}]-#[Ii]nvoke:([^|]+)|([^}|]+)[^}]*}}' ) do moduleName = formatModuleName( moduleName ) funcName = mw.text.trim( funcName ) if mw.ustring.find( funcName, '^{{{' ) then funcName = funcName .. '}}}' end table.insert( invokeList, { moduleName = moduleName, funcName = funcName } ) end invokeList = arr.unique( invokeList, function( x ) return x.moduleName..x.funcName end ) table.sort( invokeList, function( x, y ) return x.moduleName..x.funcName < y.moduleName..y.funcName end ) return invokeList end ---@return string local function messageBoxUnused() local category = shouldAddCategories and '[[Category:' .. t( 'category_unused_module' ) .. ']]' or '' return mbox( translate( 'message_unused_module_title' ), translate( 'message_unused_module_desc' ), { icon = 'WikimediaUI-Alert.svg' } ) .. category end --- Returns the wikitext for the message template (mbox/hatnote) ---@param msgKey string message key in /i18n.json ---@param pageName string page name used for the message ---@param list table ---@param listType string type of the page list used for the message ---@return string local function getDependencyListWikitext( msgKey, pageName, list, listType ) local listLabel = mw.ustring.format( '%d %s', #list, listType ) local listContent = mHatlist.andList( list, false ) --- Return mbox if #list > COLLAPSE_LIST_LENGTH_THRESHOLD then return mbox( translate( msgKey, pageName, listLabel ), listContent, { icon = 'WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) --- Return hatnote else return hatnote( translate( msgKey, pageName, listContent ), { icon='WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) end end --- Creates a link to [[Special:Search]] showing all pages found by getDynamicRequireList() in case it found more than MAX_DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LIST_LENGTH pages. ---@param query string @This will be in a format like 'Module:Wowee/%' or 'Module:Wowee/%/data' ---@return string local function formatDynamicQueryLink( query ) local prefix = query:match( '^([^/]+)' ) local linkText = query:gsub( '%%', '< ... >' ) query = query:gsub( '^Module?:', '' ) query = query:gsub( '([^/]+)/?', function ( match ) if match == '%' then return '\\/[^\\/]+' else return '\\/"' .. match .. '"' end end ) query = query:gsub( '^\\/', '' ) query = mw.ustring.format( 'intitle:/%s%s/i -intitle:/%s\\/""/i -intitle:doc prefix:"%s"', query, query:find( '"$' ) and '' or '""', query, prefix ) return mw.ustring.format( '<span class="plainlinks">[%s %s]</span>', tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl( 'Special:Search', { search = query } ) ), linkText ) end --- Helper function to return the wikitext of the templates and categories ---@param currentPageName string ---@param pageList table|nil ---@param pageType string ---@param message string ---@param category string|nil ---@return string local function formatDependencyList( currentPageName, pageList, pageType, message, category ) local res = {} if type( pageList ) == 'table' and #pageList > 0 then table.sort( pageList ) table.insert( res, getDependencyListWikitext( message, currentPageName, pageList, pageType ) ) if shouldAddCategories and category then table.insert( res, mw.ustring.format( '[[Category:%s]]', category ) ) end end return table.concat( res ) end ---@param templateName string ---@param invokeList table<string, string>[] @This is the list returned by getInvokeCallList() ---@return string local function formatInvokeCallList( templateName, invokeList ) local category = shouldAddCategories and '[[Category:' .. t( 'category_lua_based_template' ) .. ']]' or '' local res = {} for _, item in ipairs( invokeList ) do local msg = translate( 'message_invokes_function', templateName, item.funcName, item.moduleName ) table.insert( res, hatnote( msg, { icon = 'WikimediaUI-Code.svg' } ) ) end if #invokeList > 0 then table.insert( res, category ) end return table.concat( res ) end ---@param moduleName string ---@param whatLinksHere string @A list generated by a dpl of pages in the Template namespace which link to moduleName. ---@return string local function formatInvokedByList( moduleName, whatLinksHere ) local function lcfirst( str ) return mw.ustring.gsub( str, '^[Mm]odule?:.', mw.ustring.lower ) end local templateData = arr.map( whatLinksHere, function( x ) return { templateName = x, invokeList = getInvokeCallList( x ) } end ) templateData = arr.filter( templateData, function( x ) return arr.any( x.invokeList, function( y ) return lcfirst( y.moduleName ) == lcfirst( moduleName ) end ) end ) local invokedByList = {} for _, template in ipairs( templateData ) do for _, invoke in ipairs( template.invokeList ) do --- NOTE: Somehow only templates aren't linked properly, not sure why table.insert( invokedByList, translate( 'message_function_invoked_by', invoke.funcName, '[[' .. template.templateName .. ']]' ) ) end end if #invokedByList > 0 then moduleIsUsed = true end return formatDependencyList( moduleName, invokedByList, translate( 'list_type_templates' ), 'message_module_functions_invoked_by', t( 'category_template_invoked_modules' ) ) end ---@param moduleName string ---@param whatLinksHere string @A list generated by a dpl of pages in the Module namespace which link to moduleName. ---@return string local function formatRequiredByList( moduleName, whatLinksHere ) local childModuleData = arr.map( whatLinksHere, function ( title ) local lists = getRequireList( title ) return { name = title, requireList = lists.requireList, loadDataList = lists.loadDataList .. lists.loadJsonDataList } end ) local requiredByList = arr.map( childModuleData, function ( item ) if arr.any( item.requireList, function( x ) return x:lower() == moduleName:lower() end ) then if item.name:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( item.name ) else return '[[' .. item.name .. ']]' end end end ) local loadedByList = arr.map( childModuleData, function ( item ) if arr.any( item.loadDataList, function( x ) return x:lower() == moduleName:lower() end ) then if item.name:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( item.name ) else return '[[' .. item.name .. ']]' end end end ) if #requiredByList > 0 or #loadedByList > 0 then moduleIsUsed = true end local res = {} table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( moduleName, requiredByList, translate( 'list_type_modules' ), 'message_required_by', t( 'category_modules_required_by_modules' ) ) ) table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( moduleName, loadedByList, translate( 'list_type_modules' ), 'message_loaded_by', t( 'category_module_data' ) ) ) return table.concat( res ) end function p.main( frame ) local args = frame:getParent().args return p._main( args[ 1 ], args.category, args.isUsed ) end ---@param currentPageName string|nil ---@param addCategories boolean|string|nil ---@return string function p._main( currentPageName, addCategories, isUsed ) libraryUtil.checkType( 'Module:RequireList._main', 1, currentPageName, 'string', true ) libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti( 'Module:RequireList._main', 2, addCategories, { 'boolean', 'string', 'nil' } ) libraryUtil.checkTypeMulti( 'Module:RequireList._main', 3, isUsed, { 'boolean', 'string', 'nil' } ) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- Leave early if not in module or template namespace if param.is_empty( currentPageName ) and ( not arr.contains( { NS_MODULE_NAME, NS_TEMPLATE_NAME }, title.nsText ) ) then return '' end currentPageName = param.default_to( currentPageName, title.fullText ) currentPageName = mw.ustring.gsub( currentPageName, '/[Dd]o[ck]u?$', '' ) currentPageName = formatPageName( currentPageName ) moduleIsUsed = yn( param.default_to( isUsed, false ) ) shouldAddCategories = yn( param.default_to( addCategories, title.subpageText~='doc' ) ) -- Don't show sandbox and testcases modules as unused if title.text:lower():find( 'sandbox' ) or title.text:lower():find( 'testcases' ) then moduleIsUsed = true end if currentPageName:find( '^' .. NS_TEMPLATE_NAME .. ':' ) then local ok, invokeList = pcall( getInvokeCallList, currentPageName ) if ok then return formatInvokeCallList( currentPageName, invokeList ) else return userError( invokeList ) end end local whatTemplatesLinkHere = {} local whatModulesLinkHere = {} local function cleanFrom( from ) from = from or '' local parts = mw.text.split( from, '|', true ) if #parts == 2 then local name = mw.ustring.gsub( parts[ 1 ], '%[%[:', '' ) name = mw.ustring.gsub( name, '/[Dd]o[ck]u?', '' ) return name end return nil end local templatesRes = mw.smw.ask({ '[[Links to::' .. currentPageName .. ']]', '[[Template:+]]', 'sort=Links to', 'order=asc', 'mainlabel=from' }) or {} whatTemplatesLinkHere = arr.new( arr.condenseSparse( arr.map( templatesRes, function ( link ) return cleanFrom( link[ 'from' ] ) end ) ) ):unique() local moduleRes = mw.smw.ask( { '[[Links to::' .. currentPageName .. ']]', '[[Module:+]]', 'sort=Links to', 'order=asc', 'mainlabel=from' } ) or {} whatModulesLinkHere = arr.new( arr.condenseSparse( arr.map( moduleRes, function ( link ) return cleanFrom( link[ 'from' ] ) end ) ) ):unique():reject( { currentPageName } ) local ok, lists = pcall( getRequireList, currentPageName, true ) if not ok then return userError( lists ) end local requireList = arr.map( lists.requireList, function ( moduleName ) if moduleName:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( moduleName ) elseif builtins[moduleName] then return '[[' .. builtins[moduleName].link .. '|' .. moduleName .. ']]' else return '[[' .. moduleName .. ']]' end end ) local loadDataList = arr.map( lists.loadDataList, function ( moduleName ) if moduleName:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( moduleName ) else return '[[' .. moduleName .. ']]' end end ) local loadJsonDataList = arr.map( lists.loadJsonDataList, function ( moduleName ) if moduleName:find( '%%' ) then return formatDynamicQueryLink( moduleName ) else return '[[' .. moduleName .. ']]' end end ) local usedTemplateList = arr.map( lists.usedTemplateList, function( templateName ) if mw.ustring.find( templateName, ':' ) then -- Real templates are prefixed by a namespace, magic words are not return '[['..templateName..']]' else return "'''{{"..templateName.."}}'''" -- Magic words don't have a page so make them bold instead end end ) local res = {} table.insert( res, formatInvokedByList( currentPageName, whatTemplatesLinkHere ) ) table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( currentPageName, requireList, translate( 'list_type_modules' ), 'message_requires', t( 'category_modules_required_by_modules' ) ) ) table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( currentPageName, loadDataList, translate( 'list_type_modules' ), 'message_loads_data_from', t( 'category_modules_using_data' ) ) ) table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( currentPageName, loadJsonDataList, translate( 'list_type_modules' ), 'message_loads_data_from', t( 'category_modules_using_data' ) ) ) table.insert( res, formatDependencyList( currentPageName, usedTemplateList, translate( 'list_type_templates' ), 'message_transcludes', nil ) ) table.insert( res, formatRequiredByList( currentPageName, whatModulesLinkHere ) ) if shouldAddCategories then local extraCategories = arr.map( lists.extraCategories, function( categoryName ) return "[[Category:" .. categoryName .. "]]"; end ) table.insert( res, table.concat( extraCategories ) ); end if not moduleIsUsed then table.insert( res, 1, messageBoxUnused() ) end return table.concat( res ) end return p -- </nowiki>